Greetings, iam Ricardo Nisbett, Enjoy the rest of your day.

Can A Gun Fire Without One In The Chamber? [Solved]

Yes, carrying without a round in the chamber means that one must rack it as part of the draw stroke but how much slower is that really? A well-trained shooter who practices that element into their draw can get it done in under 1 and 1/2 seconds total. The delay added by racking the slide is probably 1/2 second.9 Sept 2019

Should you carry one in the chamber?… Or no?

This video addresses a very popular question in the

How To Become Comfortable Carrying W/A Round In The Chamber

Self Defense Liability Insurance Disclaimer The USCCA is not an insurance company. A policy has been issued to the USCCA by …

One in the Chamber is Dangerous!

Be Dangerous…. Dangerous isn’t dead. We heard the feedback and saw the same footage so let’s try this on Hard Mode. Carrying …