Howdy, iam Jessica Hubbard, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Can I Break My Fast With A Banana? [Solved]

However, if you don’t suspect you are sensitive to carbohydrates and you pair a half a banana (to lower the sugar content) with high quality sources of protein, fat and additional fiber (like with one of my free smoothie recipes HERE), then a banana can be used when breaking an Intermittent Fast.19 Jan 2022

A Woman Ate 23 Bananas After Fasting 7 Days. This Is What Happened To Her Organs.

Fasting can

5 Foods To NEVER Break Your Fast With - Intermittent Fasting Mistakes

This video

Can You Break Your Fast With Fruit? [Intermittent Fasting Tips]

In today’s video, we’re