Namaste, iam Eric Green, Enjoy your time-off from me!

Can I Use Thyme Instead Of Sage? [Solved]

Thyme (fresh or dried). Thyme has a similar herbaceous quality to sage, but it’s not nearly as strong. Of course it doesn’t have the unique earthy flavor that sage brings, but it will do in a pinch. You can use equal parts fresh or dried thyme for fresh or dried sage.3 Nov 2020

Never Use an Oven or Dehydrator to Dry Herbs Again With This Century Old Method

For centuries people have been hang drying herbs like rosemary,

FRESH THYME vs DRY THYME on a steak for sous vide

You asked for this episode and here it is. Which one is best? Fresh

Science: How to Substitute Dried Herbs for Fresh Herbs, and See When Swapping Just Won’t Work

America’s Test Kitchen is a real 2500 square foot test kitchen located just outside of Boston that is home to more than three dozen …