Greetings, iam Rosemarie Sanford, Enjoy your time-off from me!

Do Warmongering Penalties Go Away? [Solved]

You will lose warmonger penalties under the following circumstances: Naturally, with the passing of time. Your warmonger score decays at the rate of 0.5 points per turn, unless you did something to increase it the previous turn. When you liberate a city.

Should You Go to War in Civilization 6?

Civilization games have traditionally been all about war. In fact, I’d say the stand out strategy is to take out your nearest neighbor …

Civilization VI ► Types of WAR in Civ 6! (Casus Belli)


Civilization 6 - Let’s Go Over How War Weariness Is Working

War Weariness has always been a vague mechanic in terms of how it works. Even when you read it’s description, you still have …